what to bring when travel to the gambia

My partner Dan and I were backpacking around The Gambia and Senegal for 6 weeks. This is the information I was looking for before we left...

Unless (like us) yous are carting around bodyboards or other specialised equipment, there is no reason why yous can't fit all your luggage into a "day pack", hand-luggage sized bag. The warm weather means you lot can unremarkably wash and dry things within a few hours, but if yous do find you need more than clothes, a visit to a fabric shop and tailor is fun and affordable (between three and ten pounds for a shirt in The Gambia) and second paw clothes markets are common. Almost anything broken tin be fixed, so make certain you ask around before throwing stuff away.

These guys were very happy with Dan's new shirt.
These guys were very happy with Dan's new shirt.

Both Republic of the gambia and Senegal are conservative, predominantly Muslim countries. Away from beaches and pools, backpackers should ever dress modestly. Cotton or natural fibres are always preferable in the heat and do not bring annihilation white if you lot desire it to stay that way.

I am distressing to be gender specific, merely habiliment manner in Gambian and Senegalese society is distinctly divided.

  • Lightweight, breathable trousers x 2
  • Long Shorts x 1
  • Swimming shorts 10 i (could be interchangeable with shorts).
  • Casual cotton shirt 10 1 (push/zippo elevation pocket would be ideal).
  • T-shirts ten two
  • Underwear x 5/6
  • Socks lightweight 10 3, thicker (for insects) x 1
  • Sparse jumper/sweater/calorie-free jacket 10 1
  • Trainers/light-weight shoes x one
  • Very comfortable sandals or mayhap flip-flops x 1
  • Casual, clothing dominicus hat.
  • In the moisture season (June to October) add a light-weight rain jacket.
What to wear in The Gambia and Senegal
Shorts are unsuitable for more than conservative parts of The Gambia and Senegal.
  • Loose fitting, breathable trousers ten ane - mine are pure cotton and I loved wearing them.
  • Long, soft, cotton skirt or dress x 1.
  • Leggings ten one - for insects or extra modesty.
  • Swimming costume and shorts (possibly shorts are not necessary, but I commonly felt more comfortable wearing them).
  • Tunic pinnacle/dress (covering bum, shoulders and upper artillery) 10 1/2 - this can be worn every bit a modest top with trousers/skirt or a cover-up on the embankment.
  • T-shirts x ane/2
  • Long sleeved cotton fiber shirt (push button top pocket would be expert) x 1 - for bugs, sun protection and modesty.
  • Underwear x 5/6
  • Bra/ingather tops (whatever you adopt) ten 2
  • Socks - lightweight x three, thicker (for insects) x 1
  • Trainers/light-weight shoes x 1
  • Very comfortable sandals or mayhap flip-flops x one
  • Dominicus lid (I didn't take 1 but y'all should).
  • In the wet season (June to October) add a light-weight pelting jacket.
  • Away from cities, information technology can be a challenge to find period protection, so be sure to have whatsoever type you lot prefer (a cup or other reusable items save space and waste).
My sweater - occasionally good for evenings/mosquitoes, but I didn't need anything warmer.
My sweater - occasionally good for evenings/mosquitoes, just I didn't need anything warmer.

(In decreasing social club of necessity)

  • Any prescription drugs you demand.
  • Malaria medicine.
  • Beginning aid kit including usual essentials plus clarified cream, painkillers, antihistamine tablets (for bad bug bites and other reactions) and perhaps some diarrhoea medicine.
  • Bug repellent.
  • Sun-cream.
  • Coin belt (to exist worn under dress) and possibly 2nd coin belt/hiding identify (Gambian money takes upwards a lot of space).
  • Water purifying devise (we did not have this, but sorely wished we did). Not an advert from me, simply a blogger review I trust.
  • Small cantankerous-body bag or other way of conveying valuables (camera, phone and purse). In cities Dan had ii wallets stolen out of his pockets without him noticing...
  • Torch (for frequent power cuts).
  • Small knife (for mangoes).
  • Plug adaptor (The gambia is on Great britain sockets and Senegal is on European sockets).
  • Unlocked telephone and charger (it can be useful to purchase a local sim carte du jour, but it is usually only possible in big cities. Attempt Africel network in Gambia and Orange in Senegal).
  • Guide book/s - as a first time in W Africa, we constitute the gambia Bradt Guide invaluable (you tin also get it alone, but exist aware that wifi tin exist difficult to find and telephone reception is patchy even with a local sim).
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap etc (don't over-pack unless you lot take special products equally standard toiletries can be easily replaced).
  • Small power bank.
  • Minor compass (could be useful, but not usually essential as it is easy to ask directions).
  • Notepad, pencil, sharpener (or employ knife) and safe - good for noting downwardly names, phone numbers, place names etc without a phone.
  • Very strong needle and thread/dental floss for the emergency fixing of numberless, shoes etc. Normal sewing can be done quickly and cheaply by a tailor almost anywhere and other things can be fixed by a specialist in bigger towns (enquire around).
  • Sunglasses - I never wore mine, but you might want them on the beach. They e'er felt a picayune showy for me.
  • A luncheon box, cutlery and tote numberless tin can relieve on plastic packaging, but they are also easy to find in one case you go at that place if you lot don't take your favourites already.
What to wear in The Gambia and Senegal
My most comfy outfit and useful cross-body bag.
  • Camera, charger, memory cards and spare battery (fully charged).
  • Netbook, charger, case and retention card adaptor.
  • Drawing pad, h2o-colour paints and pencils (for making thank-you cards/drawing cows).
Pencil drawing of a cow
A moo-cow in Sanyang.
  • Photos of your family/landscape around home (though not photos of your massive house as it will seem obnoxious).

(in order of timescale leading to departure)

  • Learn a few useful phrases/greetings in predominant linguistic communication of where you will arrive - more than likely you volition take to practice this as you keep instead, but at least endeavor "Salam malekum." and "Malekum salam." (roughly "Peace be upon you."/"Peach be returned to you.").
  • Check visa/entry requirements for your nationality and the length of stay allowed.
  • Check passport is valid for time menstruum and some months beyond.
  • Check banking concern card is valid for fourth dimension menstruation and ensure you have more than than 1 (consider an additional emergency credit carte du jour if yous just have 1 bank card).
  • Become to doc/clinic to check what injections y'all might need and timescale of how long earlier divergence you need them. Ensure you have a yellow fever document. Some doctors will prescribe food-poisoning blazon antibiotics "simply in instance" if you ask them.
  • Book flight tickets.
  • Sort travel insurance.
  • Arrange travel to airdrome.
  • Book first few nights adaptation and work out how to become there (some places will arrange selection-up which is the least nervus-wracking way to arrive).
  • Inform your bank.
  • Withdraw some pounds/euros (Republic of the gambia/Senegal) to go on for exchanging (around £200 per person seems sensible).
  • Send copies of passports and other important documents to yourself and trusted friend/family unit at domicile. Salvage a re-create onto your telephone, laptop or a photo in your camera.
  • Back upwardly any files/photos on your devises.
  • Fully accuse all your electronics.
  • Download offline maps? I have never done this, but it might have been useful.
What to wear in The Gambia and Senegal
A comfortable, cotton brim and shirt.


Source: https://www.featherytravels.com/gambia-senegal-packing-list/

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